Employer Accounts
We Offer Accounts for Employers, Managers, and Team Leads!
Our employer accounts allow you to keep track of your employees' progress all in one place. All of the completed certificates will be saved and can be viewed under your account,
which is great for compliance purposes.
Upon purchase, you will recieve a voucher code for each course. You can then send the vouchers to each of your employees or team members.
Our voucher system is easy to use, allowing you to email vouchers directly from your account or you can download all of your vouchers to an excel spreadsheet and send them to employees.
Employees will then create their own account with an email address and a password, enter their voucher code as "payment" and be able to start the training immediately.
Also, don't forget about our bulk purchase discounts starting at purchases of just 5 courses!
To view your Empoyer Account, login and find Employer Account from the Dashboard.
How Does The Employer Account Work?
When you login to your Employer Account, you will be able to see all of your vouchers as well as in-progress and completed courses for your employees. You can view employees' certificates and email them out to yourself or anyone else.
From your Employer Account, type in any employees’ name in the Search bar to pull up their training status. You can also quickly sort to see the status of each employee.
Viewing and Emailing Certificates
For employees who have completed their course, the certificate will be available for you to view or email out
Click on the Certificate button from your Employer Account to view the employees’ certificate and email it out to any email address
In Progress Training
Training which has been started but not yet completed will be viewable in your Employer Account and designated as In Progress next to the employees’ name.
Emailing Vouchers
Vouchers which have been emailed from your Employer Account but not yet used will be designated by the Voucher Sent button
Click the Voucher Sent Button to see who the voucher was sent to. You can resend the voucher to another person until the voucher has been used
Vouchers Which Have Been Emailed
Vouchers which have been emailed from your Employer Account but not yet used will be designated by the Voucher Sent button Click the Voucher Sent Button to see who the voucher was sent to You can resend the voucher to another person until the voucher has been used